Tuesday, April 6, 2010

6 April 2010

I have to meet with Bob Karr this morning. Cherie and I have been working with the teens at Graham for 12 years now! We are dropping out. Enough. Over. Finished. Just kidding, sort of. We do feel that the Lord is leading us on to other things, even though we are still involved working with teens. We do Campus Life and Cherie meets with two teens from church for discipleship purposes. We just feel like we do not have enough time to spend with the Graham teens and it appears that God has raised up other great people to help Bob.

Also we are trying to start up a Reconciliation team at church and want to pour our energies into that.

Then I meet with Jeff Seelye about Elder/deacon stuff, then I have to run up to Owosso to pick up some paperwork. Busy, busy, busy.

Rained hard with thunder last night. Nice. We needed it.

Good thing I did my 70 miler yesterday because today is cloudy and cool and the roads are still a little damp.

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