Sunday, June 20, 2010

20 June 2010

Sitting in the lobby of a Hyatt in downtown jax on a Sunday morning. We are right along the St. John's river so the view is gorgeous as the morning unfolds. An easy day today; JAX to DTW at noon and then home to my baby! 5 days on the road is about 2 days too long for me, but that is the nature of our trips these days. I'm grateful to have a job and be working.

Reading through Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" and being challenged, which is good. It is easy, as one goes along in life, to fall into a vapid, listless faith that avoids most challenges. I'm guilty of that, I suspect many of us are. Mr. Chan challenges us to what is essentially the normal Christian life, but one that is increasingly radical even to the believing world: a life of faith and sacrifice.

- "Grace is the glory of God, not the merit of him who has been freed." Prosper of Aquitaine


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

2 June 2010

Another day of busy, busy, busy. I went kayaking in the morning, then had lunch with Lambertini. Then I went riding with Kelly. When we returned I left almost immediately for the Tuesday night bike ride with TCBA. That was a LOT of fun. We rode about 25 miles and on the second half were cranking it pretty fast—probably averaged 20 to 21 on the return. Hopefully, I'll get to ride with them more often. One of the fastest guys is just short of his 70th birthday and has a nasty pot belly! Unbelievable.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1 June 2010

A work-o-rama yesterday. Got up and went and cleaned the stables with Cherie. We got to let the horses out, so the cleaning went much more quickly than normal. Shortly after we got home, we went for a bike ride of almost 20 miles on mountain bikes, a good ride. After that it was time to clean the carpets, which lasted until almost 3. Having awoken at 4.30, I was bushed. I headed off to bed for a nap, which I DID complete, sleeping until 5.

Certainly got a lot accomplished yesterday.

- "Grace is the glory of God, not the merit of him who has been freed." Prosper of Aquitaine
