Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Morning in SFO

I spent a short morning in SFO yesterday, since we took off for MSP at 1000. I walked across the freeway with my binoculars in hand, to have breakfast at Panera's. It was a good morning to see birds. I saw three types of gulls - California, Heerman, and Black-billed. This one gigantic California gull was battling of a bunch of other gulls for some food scraps in a parking lot. I also saw some crows, and a bunch of European starlings up in the top of an electrical tower. 2 snowy egrets were wading around the tidal flats eating breakfast. Wish I had a camera because I could have caught some great shots of those guys in the morning light.

Day 2 of no caffeine. The day one headaches are gone, but I'm still drowsy all day. I started day 3 this morning, maybe this drowsiness will help me get a nap before my SNA-DTW redeye tonight.

I read an interesting set of articles last night on the future of evangelicalism. One of the essays pointed out that movies are the new books, and if we are to engage culture then we are going to have to be able to analyze and critique movies. As a side note, my ability to analyze and critique books is not very good either. At any rate, what I took from that essay is that I need to teach myself to become a more active reader/movie watcher. More work for me to do, and so little time.


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