Saturday, November 27, 2010

28 Nov 2010

Last day of a 5 day trip over the Thanksgiving day holiday encompassing the two busiest flying days of the year (Wed and Sun). I'm typing this at 2.35 am having woken up at 1am, ugh.

I was able to get on the train up to see Mom an Dad on Wed in San Diego which was a great blessing from God. Due to strong headwinds and just missing the van to the hotel, I was late, late, late and literally the last one on the train.

We ate lunch at Polly's pies and then chatted away until I had to take the train back to SAN. Tempus fugit and there will come a day when we will say our last goodbyes on this earth, my parents and I. The thought makes me melancholy and directs my longing to eternity with Christ. How empty life would be; how short; how meaningless apart from Him!

Do thou, Lord, teach me to number my days and give to me a heart of wisdom.

Location:George Washington Memorial Pkwy,Arlington,United States

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