Thursday, December 31, 2009

31 December 2009

Up at 2 a.m.?!? It's going to be a long way to the new year, that's for sure. A good morning of quiet time and prayer. God greatly blessed our family in 2009. There was much to thank him for. We do not follow the Lord because of his blessing, we simply thank him for what he does of his own choice. We will not turn away when hard times come, nor will we complain (hopefully!). God is still God in the difficult times. We will still worship. We follow him because he has changed our heart from a heart of stone to a heart of devotion. In other words we can do nothing else but follow him. We want to do nothing else but follow him.

We will go help Tiffany feed and water the horses this morning, then lunch with Lambertini, then maybe some cross country skiing...or a nap. We shall see. Andy K. and I went cross-country skiing in the dark last night—beautiful, not to mention fun.

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