Friday, August 28, 2009

23 August

“To the Lord belong escapes from death.” Cherie, Sue, and I were on a century bike ride yesterday—Pompeii, Ithaca, Alma, Ithaca, Ashley, Elsie, Ovid, home—and were on a road about as wide as Meridian Rd., when two cars passed a car that was in the opposite lane coming towards us. The first guy saw us and was back in his own lane when we passed him. The second guy did not. He flashed by in our lane at 55 or 60 mph. So in two lanes there was the car he was passing, him, and us. He probably missed us by a foot or so. A few more inches and he would have taken all three of us out. Not this day, however, because God preserved our lives, literally. We are grateful. Oh, and if you’re a skeptic, we also believe that “to the Lord belong non-escapes from death” as well. Our times are in his hands. We defer to him. If he is ready to call us home, we are ready. At any time.

It was an interesting ride. Sue fell crossing some railroad tracks and whacked her head on the asphalt. Hard. So hard she broke her helmet, but her head was fine. At any rate, I finished my 3rd century of the summer, and Cherie her 4th. Not bad for two old fogies.

We took Ben’s bike up to him on Saturday evening and took he and Ashley to dinner at Lone Star steak house. What did Ben eat? A steak? Nope. A cheeseburger. Back home and some decaf and then to bed. It’s off to church early for me to meet with a couple of guys at 8 a.m., then church and Sunday school. Then home to do some house cleaning. Then back to church. Busy Sunday.

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