Sunday, September 27, 2009

Football Saturday

I had to run out to Best Buy to buy a hard drive for our iMac G5, since it died last week. I spent most of the rest of the day putting it in. It didn't take that long to install, but re-installing the operating system took a couple of hours, then I had to run a backup to save what I could of the old hard drive, that also took a couple of hours. After getting it up and running, I thought I had a newer backup so I installed that. As it so happened what I installed was a backup I had done for my Macbook Pro. Doh! Re-install old backup. The computer finally finished about 1 am. Thankfully, the computer did most of the work itself, but it took a long, long time.

Spent most of the day watching football and working on the computer. I did manage a two mile run on the treadmill, and a couple of sets of pull-ups.

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