Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Actually, our Thanksgiving meal was yesterday, since I'm on call today and Ben works all day. We had a good time of fellowship and food. My pondering the thanksgiving that I was giving to the Lord this year was done in an email that I sent off to family. I'll try to get a copy of it and paste it in here.

A day at home yesterday. Computer work in the morning. Thanksgiving dinner. Hanging out in the evening and to bed early since I had to get up and get ready early (4 am it turned out to be). Today I'm on short call, so I'll hang around here close to the phone, and if I don't get called in and can get a cell phone signal, I'll go over to Sarah and Jerry's for lunch.

It probably sounds old to every year have, as the supreme "thanks" of Thanksgiving, God in the flesh, Christ, who came, who died on our behalf, who took God's wrath against sinners on himself so that I would not have to pay the penalty for my own sins. But we will still offer it up this year, because it should be always new, always fresh, always unbelievable, always astounding. God's wrath for sin was poured out upon God-in-the-flesh.

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